My Biggest (So Far)

By HSP Member, Jeff
This deer was harvested during the early KS urban rifle season this year.
I have been trying to get my youngest son his first buck ever since retiring from the Army in 2006. We lived overseas for the last 5 years of my career so he did not start hunting until moving back here at age 13. I missed many more opening days than I made during my Army career, so I have enjoyed getting out as often as possible. My retirement vow was never to miss another opening day unless it was MY decision - not Uncle Sam's. This year, in his third and final youth season, he finally got a nice buck in his sights but it was too far for an ethical shot. He did harvest a huge doe last year but it's just not the same as one with headgear.
I was certain that I had him set up on a sweet spot this time around - I had seen a bruiser at dusk earlier in the week and so had his stand moved to take advantage of a travel corridor. I ensured he was safely in his stand then hot-footed it to mine using a different approach. Of course I was so intent on my son that I forgot my binos and was late - almost too late as it turned out - getting to my location. I climbed into my stand, got harnessed, and was ready to shoot 2 minutes after legal time. Six minutes later this buck showed up. I didn't have time to count points or field judge - I was too busy getting into a shooting position. It turned out that the tree I was in was one on his "circuit" - he spent a few moments on the licking branch and then moved into a clear space I could shoot from. Guess it was just my day. Since the deer was literally 15 yards from where I shot a 23 lb turkey in the spring. I think I have found a new favorite hunting spot!
His rack -9 points, rough scores 128 1/2 and weighed 194lbs field dressed. It is my biggest deer by far. I've decided this is "the year of big" for me. We hunt and fish exclusively on HSP properties, and I have caught my largest bass (even after living in Florida for 3 years and fishing some of the most famous largemouth water in the country there), my two biggest turkeys, and now this buck. Can't wait for rifle season so I can get my son on that basket-racked 8-pointer he had to pass up earlier this year.
My son was the photographer - I intend to return the favor late this year when he scores!