Chris with his 8 Point Buck

By HSP Member, Chris
I met member Philip in north Missouri for some bow-hunting. We parked a camper at a friend's farm and settled in for some late October pre rut action on HSP ground.
I set a stand about 10 yards inside the timber, watching an inside corner of a CRP field. Philip was on a ridge above a harvested bean field. There were a number of scrapes being used on this farm and the stand was easy to slip into without making very much disturbance.
I sat the first evening with only one doe sighted. The next morning was cold and frosty. I got in my stand quickly, and sat with bow in hand. About 7:30AM, I glanced over my right shoulder to see a nice 8 point buck walking the edge of the CRP. He was about 15 yards behind me, and already in my shooting lane. I hooked my release and drew. He stopped behind a tree sniffing the ground. I held my draw. With the wind in my favor, he took two steps, giving me a small opening to shoot. At the release, the buck ran down a hill inside the timber and out of sight. I sat a few minutes then couldn't resist getting down to look for my arrow. I found it quickly, and all looked good. I thanked God for a good shot and followed an easy trail for about 80 yards to find my buck.
Philip brought the cart and we wheeled him out.
I used an Elite GT500, Pile-driver 350s and Wasp Jackhammers.